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outer city 〔美國〕市郊;郊區。

outer coat

Part 3 : the paper set out from big system and coordination view , use the systematic dynamics method to analyse all - sidedly that the city expands the relation with various kinds of ecological factors , and natural factor discern mode of city develop , point out city ecological problems are production by improper use the environment ecological factor during city expand , it cause the problems production , such as the function of natural system disappearance or lose efficiency ; systematic circulation obstruct , material energy transform efficiency being low , and so on 第三部分:從大系統大協調觀出發,運用系統動力學方法全面分析城市擴展與各種生態因子的因果關系,及城市發展的自然因子識別模式,指出城市生態問題的產生是由于城市擴展對環境生態因子的不當使用,導致自然系統功能的缺失或失效,系統循環受阻,物質能量轉化效率低下等問題的產生。

Cortisol stress hormone if you ' re feeling over - worked and stressed , then popping in to your nearest art gallery could be the answer . a group of 28 stressed - out city high - fliers were studied as they spent their lunch break viewing art 如果你感覺工作過于勞累且壓力很大,那么不妨去離你最近的藝術畫廊走走看看,因為英國一項最新的研究顯示,在畫廊中欣賞藝術品可以有效地幫你減輕工作壓力。

Gaochagn city consists of three parts : the outer city , the inner city and the palace city . the city walls are fairly well preserved and some other remains can still be seen 公路兩旁筑起雙層屏障,外層是高1 . 2米的塑料布墻,里層是插成田字格式的蘆葦網。

Metra s university park line , which runs right through hyde park , is best for reaching the outer city limits and the suburbs 它的大公園一線直穿過灣德公園,是到城市外圍及郊區的理想線路。

A group of 28 stressed - out city high - fliers were studied as they spent their lunch break viewing art 在研究過程中,這28人會利用午休時間到附近的藝術畫廊觀看藝術品展。